
UPDATED:   2/11/24 
E.P.A. officers, board members, and committees 


  1. President: Ernie Falcone
  2. Vice President:  Jennifer Lachapelle
  3. Secretary:  Anne Roosevelt
  4. Treasurer: Kathy Falcone


  1.   Kathy Falcone
  2.   Anne & Greg Trefethen
  3.   Kerry Kimball
  4.    David Johnson
  5.    Bruce Belbin

III. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: Descriptions of committees are below this list. 

  1. Membership:  Kathy Falcone
  2. Public Relations: Jennifer and David Lachapelle
  3. Safety: Mark Tibbetts (self-named: buoy boy)
  4. Special Events: Greg Trefethen
  5. Water Quality: David Lachapelle
  6. Merchandise:  Anne Trefethen and Janine Leach
  7. Invasive Plant:  Jack Gartner
  8. Winter Activities:  Lou Lozano 
  9. Lakesmart/Native plant:  Jim and Katie Merrow 
  10. Courtesy Boat Inspections: Dirk Kokmeyer



This committee keeps track of current E.P.A. members, collects dues, and actively seeks new members. Membership dues can be sent to: Embden Pond Association, P.O. Box 208, North Anson, Maine 04958. 

Membership to the Embden Pond Association is now due January 1st of each year.  The association is important to our lake, property values, and our families for the future.  By joining you are helping to preserve all of these things.  The water quality studies and the invasive plant searches depend on your support.  As we now have one of the best pro-active studies recognized by the state for milfoil and other invasive plants.

E.P.A. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE/Chair: Jennifer and David Lachapelle

This committee acts as a link between the Embden Pond Association and the public. It gathers information and posts it on the Embden Pond Association website and on our Facebook group; Embden Pond Association. 634-4477

Our president collects information for the Embden Pond Association Newsletter. It is published bi-annually in the fall and spring. If you did not receive a copy, live in the watershed of Embden Pond, and are a member or business sponsor,  please contact us at so that a copy can be mailed to you.

E.P.A. SAFETY COMMITTEE/Chair:  Mark Tibbetts (buoy boy)

Check the buoys monthly with GPS coordinates as per the contract between the E.P.A. and the state.  The state has a special program which allows a few lake associations to monitor the position of the buoys during the summer. They supply the buoys which remain in the water year round.  


This committee organizes Embden Pond Association special events, and runs the various E.P.A. special events with assistance from others; for example: the E.P.A. breakfast, E.P.A. annual meeting cookout, Carrabec High School scholarship award program, grade 5 essay contest, etc. 

The Annual Essay Contest presented to the 5th graders in S.A.D. 74 is directed by Janine Leach.  She will present the contest to the three fifth grade classes and then with some help collect the essays when completed. Bikes are given as prizes.

The high school scholarship is given to a senior who has helped the EPA with the milfoil program and who is going to college.  These students are a great help both in the Invasive plant search and with setting up the high school web site on Invasive Plants in Embden Pond.  We now have Embden Pond Association Scholarship Certificates to present to winners.  Winners receive a check after they send verification of grades from their first semester at college.  The Carrabec High staff is responsible for the selection of the candidate.  Mike Whitmore has volunteered to step in and help with this.

Greg is able to be here for the Annual Boat Parade, the Annual Welcome Back To The Lake Breakfast….both on the 4th of July, and the Annual Meeting/luncheon in August. If you have a question about the weather the day of the boat parade, call him at 566-5124. Updates will be posted on the Facebook page as well.

E.P.A. WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE/Chair: Doug Sears will be training David Lachapelle this spring.

This committee is responsible for testing of the Embden Pond water, keeping water quality records, reporting to the Embden Pond Association, and organizing a milfoil I.D. program in conjunction with the state. 

We spend the summer taking water samples and keeping records.  The results are sent to the state each year.  We have an excellent track record with excellent readings.  A copy of the stats is posted on the bulletin board in the town office for the preceding year.

Any questions on this call David at 634-4477, email at or use the “Contact Us” page on this web site.

E.P.A. MERCHANDISE COMMITTEE/Chair:  Anne Trefethen 

This committee is responsible for the sale of Embden Pond Association merchandise and the ordering of additional merchandise.

 You can see pictures on the merchandise page of our web site.  Merchandise is available at the Annual Breakfast on July 4th at the Embden Community Center, the Annual Meeting/Cookout in August, and at the Annual Snow Fest in February.  Merchandise is available by calling  Anne (summer): 566-5124 or Janine Leach (winter):  566-7131. 


The 2023 invasive plant survey has been completed and no invasive plants were found. The survey was done by residents of the Pond who have volunteered to own a section of the Pond and do the survey each year and a Carrabec teacher and students. Results of the survey will be sent to the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program organization. Call or email Jack Gartner.

E.P.A. Winter Activites/Chair: Lu Luzano 

The annual Snow Fest is held at the boat launch with the Embden Pond Association and the Embden Traveler’s Snowmobile Club working together. It is held the first Saturday of Maine’s February school vacation week. It is also the start of a three day weekend for many.  Food, merchandise from both clubs, and winter fun and games are the order of the day. 

Lakesmart/Jim and Katie Merrow

This is a fairly new program at our lake and several families had their property rated last year. More details to come.